
Packaging Chips with CHIPS: West Coast Summit

17 October 2024  |  Scottsdale, Arizona

Sponsorship Opportunities

Event and program sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Melissa Carl at [email protected] or Kathy Hayashi at [email protected] for details.

Exhibit Space
- One full Summit registration
- Exhibit space for the organization at event
- Placement of the organization’s logo on the event website
Quartz Sponsor
- Exhibit space
- Two full conference registrations
- Placement of the organization’s logo on the event website and program
- Acknowledgement at the pre-conference reception
Silver Sponsor
- Exhibit space
- Three full conference registrations
- Placement of the organization’s logo on the event website and program, including a quarter-page ad
- Acknowledgement at the pre-conference reception
Gold Sponsor
- Exhibit space
- Four full conference registrations
- Placement of the organization’s logo on the event website and program, including a full-page ad
- Logo on all signage
- Acknowledgement at the pre-conference reception
- 5-minute presentation during the conference
Diamond Sponsor
- Exhibit space
- Five full conference registrations
- Placement of the organization’s logo on the event website and program, including a full-page ad
- Logo on all signage
- Acknowledgement at the pre-conference reception
- 5-minute presentation during the conference
- Placement of the organization’s logo on the attendee nametags